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  • Soil Cedarwood 10ml


    Cedarwood – 10ml

    Cedarwood’s sweet, woody aroma has a warming and reputed aphrodisiac effect. Cedarwood oil is helpful to encourage lymphatic drainage and very useful in skin and hair care. Known to be useful in skin and hair care. Cedarwood is an excellent insect repellent and can be used with citronella for this purpose.

    Ideal uses:  Ideal for use in oil burner, sitz bath, compress or massage.

    • No Animal Testing
    • No Parabens
    • No Petro-Chemicals
    • No Synthetic Colors
    • No Synthetic Fragrances


    Further information:

    Precautions: Best avoided during pregnancy.

    Fun Fact: Cedarwood oil is steam distilled from the wood-chippings of Cedarwood trees that grow in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco and North Western Algeria.