Nutrilife Cranberry Fruit Tincture 50ml


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Cranberry Fruit Tincture

Cranberries are a useful course of vitamin C and flavonoids. Research in the 1990’s in the USA indicated that it is a beneficial nutritional aid for urinary infections and cystitis.


Suggested use: Can be taken directly on the tongue or in a 1/3 glass of water or juice. If medicinal alcohol cannot be tolerated, place drops in boiling water for three minutes. The alcohol will evaporate and herbs will be as effective.

Adults: 20-30 drops 2-3 times daily

Children(1 – 5 years): 5 drops 3 time daily

Children (6 – 12 years): 10 drops 3 times daily, or as recommended by your health care professional (10 drops for maintenance)

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