Nutrilife Digestezyme 60 Capsules


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A natural enzyme active digestive aid, colon conditioner and gentle cleanser. A unique blend of green barley grass, psyllium husks, enzyme extracts and digestive, stomach, carminative and aromatic herbs.


Suggested use: Adults and Children over 12 – One capsule in the morning and one to two capsules, or as required, or recommended by your health care professional.


Further information:

Supplement facts:

Green barley grass (hordeum spp.) 240mg

Psylliium husks fibre 140mg

Alfalfa herb (Medico sativa) 50mg

Fenugreek seed (trigonella foenna) 40mg

Konjac Glucomannan 40mg

Buchu herb (Agathosma betulina) 30mg

Chamomile flower ( Matricaria chamomilla) 30mg

Fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare) 30mg

Mint herb (Piperita) 25mg

Aniseed (Pimpinella ansium) 20mg

Dill seed (Anthum graveolens) 20mg

Parsley herb (Petraselinium sativum) 20mg

Marjoram herb (Origanum vulgare) 20mg

Ginger root (Zingiber officinale) 20mg


Digestive Enzyme Mix providing: 20mg

Amylase 480 DU

Cellulase 4 CU

Lactase 80 ALU

Lipase 20 FIP

Neutral Protease 120 HUT


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