
Biolife Nutrition, founded in 2004, aims to meet South Africa’s growing need for high-quality, nutritionally dense supplements that remain reasonably priced.

All Biolife products are manufactured with the highest quality raw materials sourced from our most trusted suppliers.

Showing all 9 results

  • BioLife Alpha Lipoic Acid 250mg 60 Capsules


    Alpha Lipoic Acid may help reduce the effects of free radical damage on the body, improve short term memory loss and control blood sugar levels.

    • Improves mental function
    • May treat short-term memory loss
    • May help in the treatment and prevention of cataracts
    • May reduce nerve pain caused by oxidative stress
    • Slows aging


    Suggested use: Take one capsule daily, or as directed by your Health Professional.
    Not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


    Further information:

    These capsules contain 250 mg of Alpha Lipoic acid in a vegan-friendly vegicap. This versatile compound is unique because it is soluble in both fat and water, allowing it to work more freely throughout the body.

  • BioLife Biotin 5mg 60 Capsules


    Biotin is an exceptionally powerful nutrient for the growth and strength of healthy hair and nails.

    When Biotin is ingested, it reacts with cell enzymes and plays a vital part in producing amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Remember, hair itself consists of a protein called keratin. Consuming Biotin helps in the production of amino acids which are vital in the production of protein – keratin. Thus, it is clear that Biotin improves your hair’s keratin infrastructure.

    When there is a sufficient amount Biotin in your body, you’re less likely to experience excessive hair fall because the essential vitamin important in the process of hair growth, will be abundantly available.

    • Supports healthy hair
    • Nail strength
    • Hair growth
    • Skin Wellness


    Suggested use: Take one capsule daily, or as directed by your Health Professional.



    Further information:

    Ingredients: Biotin 5mg

    60 vegicaps 60 days
    Bovine/ Porcine Free
    Suitable for Diabetics
    Preservative Free
    Lactose Free
    Gluten Free
    No Artificial Flavours added

  • BioLife Calcium Elemental 750g 60 Tablets


    Calcium plays an important role in bone health, as well as blood clotting and the proper functioning of the muscles, nerves, and heart functions.

    Calcium is a crucial mineral that plays a vital role in maintaining the health of your bones and teeth, as well as facilitating various cellular functions throughout your body.



    Further information:

    Calcium plays a crucial role in various physiological processes within the body, primarily due to its role as an essential mineral involved in cell signaling and muscle contraction. Here’s a detailed explanation of how calcium works in the body:


    Cell Signaling: Calcium ions (Ca^2+) act as second messengers in cell signaling pathways. When a cell receives a signal, such as a hormone or neurotransmitter binding to a receptor on the cell membrane, it triggers a series of events that ultimately lead to an increase in intracellular calcium levels. This influx of calcium ions serves as a signal to activate or regulate various cellular processes, including gene expression, enzyme activity, and secretion of neurotransmitters or hormones.

    Muscle Contraction: One of the most well-known functions of calcium is its role in muscle contraction. When a muscle receives a signal from a motor neuron to contract, it releases calcium ions from storage sites within specialized cellular structures called the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The influx of calcium ions into the muscle cell triggers a series of biochemical events that lead to the sliding of actin and myosin filaments, resulting in muscle contraction. Conversely, when the signal to contract is removed, calcium ions are actively pumped back into storage, leading to muscle relaxation.

    Bone Health: Calcium is a primary component of bones and teeth, providing strength and structure. Throughout life, bone undergoes a continuous process of remodeling, where old bone tissue is broken down by cells called osteoclasts and new bone tissue is formed by cells called osteoblasts. Calcium, along with other minerals is deposited into the bone matrix during bone formation, helping to maintain bone density and strength. Adequate calcium intake, particularly during childhood and adolescence, is essential for building strong bones and reducing the risk of osteoporosis later in life.

    Nerve Function: Calcium ions play a crucial role in transmitting nerve impulses throughout the body. When a nerve cell is stimulated, it undergoes a series of changes in membrane potential, leading to the opening of calcium channels and an influx of calcium ions into the cell. This influx of calcium ions triggers the release of neurotransmitters from the nerve terminal, allowing for communication between nerve cells and enabling various bodily functions, including movement, sensation, and organ function.

    Overall, calcium is essential for maintaining the structural integrity of bones and teeth, regulating muscle contraction, facilitating nerve function, and supporting various biochemical processes throughout the body.

  • BioLife Co-Enzyme Q10 / 100mg 30 Capsules


    Known as “the body’s spark plug”, Coenzyme Q10 acts as a powerful antioxidant that plays a role in energy production and storage. It also neutralizes free radicals, preventing oxidative stress.

    Coenzyme Q10 is a fat-soluble quinone that is produced naturally by the body. It is vital for producing energy within cells. Although our bodies are able to produce this powerful antioxidant, it can be found in various foods and is also available as a health supplement.


    • Contributes to energy production.
    • The ‘spark-plug’ antioxidant.
    • Benefits cardiovascular system.
    • May reduce symptoms of statin-induced myopathy.
    • May boost physical performance and endurance.


    Suggested use: Take one capsule daily, or as directed by your Health Professional




    Further information:

    Ingredients and supplement facts: Co-Enzym Q10 100mg – This product contains 1000 mg of Co-Enzyme Q10 in the form of ubiquinone. CoQ10 is found in almost every cell in the body, and acts as a powerful antioxidant that fights damaging particles in the body known as free radicals.

    Ubiquinol vs. Ubiquinone

    In our bodies, Coenzyme Q10 exists either in its oxidized form, ubiquinone, or in its reduced form, ubiquinol. Coenzyme Q10 shifts back and forth between its ubiquinone and its ubiquinol form in a continuous cycle inside the body depending on the body’s need. In the blood and lymph, Coenzyme Q10 primarily serves as an antioxidant. While in the mitochondria, it supports the energy metabolism by switching between the two forms back and forth many times per second. This is all part of Coenzyme Q10’s role in biology.


    When you take a Coenzyme Q10 supplement in the form of ubiquinol, it changes to ubiquinone and vice versa.


    When ubiquinone (the oxidized form) is used by the body, it transforms and becomes ubiquinol. Likewise, ubiquinol (the reduced form) becomes ubiquinone when it carries out its role in the body. So, when you take a Coenzyme Q10 supplement in the form of ubiquinol, it changes to ubiquinone and vice versa depending on the body’s need for either. This indicates that the one form, when encapsulated is by no means more superior to the other.

    To better understand how this works, we’ll look at Coenzyme Q10 and cellular-energy production.

    Every cell in the body has its own powerhouse, the mitochondria. Here, energy production occurs and this is where Coenzyme Q10 is found. In the process of energy production, electrons are exchanged between electron acceptors and donors.

    Coenzyme Q10 acts as an electron acceptor or donor in the chain of reactions that lead to energy production. When oxidized Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) accepts an electron from another molecule in the chain, it becomes reduced (ubiquinol). When reduced Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinol) donates an electron, it becomes oxidized (ubiquinone). Maintaining this balance is how your body most benefits from CoenzymeQ10.


    Coenzyme Q10 is found in two forms:

    Ubiquinol: The active antioxidant form.
    Ubiquinone: The oxidized form.

    In general, enzymes receive the necessary support from coenzymes in order to carry out their various biochemical functions. It is present in all cells of the body, and is vital contributor to generating energy within cells. Coenzyme Q10 exists in higher concentrations in organs that require the most energy such as the kidneys, muscles, liver, and heart.

  • BioLife Joint Support 60 Tablets


    A specialised formula made of various ingredients, all of which may help reduce pain and inflammation and promote cartilage synthesis.

    • Promotes Healthy Joints and connective tissues.
    • Reduces pain, swelling, and stiffness in joints.
    • Known to help with arthritis.


    Suggested use: Take one or two tablets, once or twice daily, or as directed by your Health Professional.


    Further information:

    Acetyl.L.Carnitine – This product contains 500 mg of Acetyl-L-Carnitine in the form of HCL. ALCAR is highly bioavailable. It easily crosses the blood-brain barrier and delivers L-Carnitine across cell membranes.

    Glucosamine and Chondroitin work in harmony to support healthy joints and connective tissues.

    • Glucosamine is an important building block for healthy joints and connective tissues. It helps to support and strengthen collagen fibres, which are responsible for the strength and elasticity of your joints.
    • Chondroitin is a type of carbohydrate that is found in your joints. It provides structural support and helps to keep your joints healthy and mobile. It also helps to keep your joints lubricated and comfortable. Together, Glucosamine and Chondroitin help to reduce pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis.

    Osteoarthritis is a painful condition that can affect the joints of your body. The pain can range from a mild ache to a severe sharp pain. Osteoarthritis affects the health of the cartilage in your joints. As the cartilage deteriorates, it can cause pain and swelling. This can lead to loss of motion and even joint damage. As the pain and swelling worsen, many people turn to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to ease their symptoms. These medications are safe and effective when taken appropriately. However, over time, frequent use of NSAIDs can cause stomach and intestinal damage, and may increase your risk of heart problems and stroke.

  • BioLife L-Lysine 1000mg 60 Tablets


    L-Lysine, an essential amino acid which may alleviate and/or reduce the duration and severity of painful shingles or cold sore outbreaks.

    L-Lysine is one of nine essential amino acids in humans required for growth and tissue repair. Lysine is supplied by many foods, especially red meats, fish, and dairy products. L-Lysine seems to be active against herpes simplex viruses and may aid in the production of antibodies.

    Lysine may help to slow down or prevent the growth of the Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1), which is responsible for causing Cold Sores / Fever Blisters. HSV-1 requires Arginine, which is another Amino Acid, to grow and replicate. Lysine helps prevent the body from absorbing Arginine, making it difficult for HSV-1 to grow and replicate.

    • May alleviate the painful symptoms of shingles.
    • Possesses an anti-herpes effect.
    • Inhibits herpes.
    • Plays a natural role in building connective tissue and healing wounds.


    Suggested use: Take one tablet, three times a day for therapeutic use or one tablet daily for prophylactic use (as a preventative), or as directed by your Health Professional.



    Further information:

    L-Lysine 1000mg – This product contains 1000 mg of L-Lysine (HCL) in a vegan-friendly vegicap. Pregnant women should always consult with their doctor before taking this supplement.

    60 vegicaps 60 days
    Bovine/ Porcine Free
    suitable for vegetans
    Suitable for Diabetics
    Preservative Free
    Lactose Free
    Gluten Free
    No Artificial Flavours added

  • BioLife Milk Thistle Extract 375mg 60 Capsules


    Milk thistle is a powerful natural detoxifier, full of protective antioxidants, which work to neutralize toxins in your system and flush them out.

    • Helps protect the liver from toxins.
    • Stimulates cell regeneration in the kidneys and liver.
    • Helps prevent gallstones and kidney stones.


    Suggested use: Take 1 to 2 capsules daily, or as directed by your Health Professional.

  • BioLife Multivitamin +Anti-Oxidants 30 Capsules


    A unique, high-potency combination of essential vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants.

    Biolife Multivitamin stands out not only for the abundance of nutrients it offers but also for the exceptional quality and potency of each ingredient. This formulation was designed to optimise the content every nutrient and to offer a high dose per nutritional ingredient.

    This Multivitamin + Anti-Oxidant boasts an impressive array of over 27 essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Plus, not only does Biolife multivitamin deliver exceptional quality, but it’s also cost-effective, providing unbeatable value for the premium benefits it offers.

    • Strengthen and maintain the immune system.
    • Reduce the incidence of disease.
    • Combat free radicals.


    Suggested use: Take one capsule daily, or as directed by your Health Professional.

  • BioLife Vitamin B Complex 60 Capsules


    This Vitamin B Complex formula contains a high-potency combination of B vitamins, that gives a balanced boost of energy and may improve cognitive and immune system functions.

    • Assists in energy production.
    • Protects the nervous system.
    • Essential for a healthy metabolism.


    Suggested use: Take one capsule daily, or as directed by your Health Professional.


    Further information:

    Ingredients: Vitamin B Complex – This product contains a combination of B vitamins, in a vegetarian-friendly vegicap. These Vegicaps contain 7 different B vitamins, including the vital B12 as well as a powerful antioxidant; rooibos extract.