heart function

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  • A Vogel Crataegus Oxy 50ml


    A Western Herbal medicine which assists in promoting the function of the heart.

    Hawthorn can be safely co-administered with digoxin and cardioactive glycoside drugs and safely co-administered with glycaemic, lipaemic and/or hypotensive drugs in type 2 diabetics and is safe for use in pregnancy and during lactation.


    Suggested use: Adults and children over 12 years:
    30 drops in water three times daily 30min before meals.


    Further information:

    Each 1 ml (39 drops) contains:

    • Crataegus oxyacantha L. and Crataegus monogyna Jacq. (Hawthorn) 970 mg
    • Ethanol content 51% (V/V) [30 drops = 321mg/dose = +- 7.8ml beer or 3.3ml wine)
  • BioLife Calcium Elemental 750g 60 Tablets


    Calcium plays an important role in bone health, as well as blood clotting and the proper functioning of the muscles, nerves, and heart functions.

    Calcium is a crucial mineral that plays a vital role in maintaining the health of your bones and teeth, as well as facilitating various cellular functions throughout your body.



    Further information:

    Calcium plays a crucial role in various physiological processes within the body, primarily due to its role as an essential mineral involved in cell signaling and muscle contraction. Here’s a detailed explanation of how calcium works in the body:


    Cell Signaling: Calcium ions (Ca^2+) act as second messengers in cell signaling pathways. When a cell receives a signal, such as a hormone or neurotransmitter binding to a receptor on the cell membrane, it triggers a series of events that ultimately lead to an increase in intracellular calcium levels. This influx of calcium ions serves as a signal to activate or regulate various cellular processes, including gene expression, enzyme activity, and secretion of neurotransmitters or hormones.

    Muscle Contraction: One of the most well-known functions of calcium is its role in muscle contraction. When a muscle receives a signal from a motor neuron to contract, it releases calcium ions from storage sites within specialized cellular structures called the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The influx of calcium ions into the muscle cell triggers a series of biochemical events that lead to the sliding of actin and myosin filaments, resulting in muscle contraction. Conversely, when the signal to contract is removed, calcium ions are actively pumped back into storage, leading to muscle relaxation.

    Bone Health: Calcium is a primary component of bones and teeth, providing strength and structure. Throughout life, bone undergoes a continuous process of remodeling, where old bone tissue is broken down by cells called osteoclasts and new bone tissue is formed by cells called osteoblasts. Calcium, along with other minerals is deposited into the bone matrix during bone formation, helping to maintain bone density and strength. Adequate calcium intake, particularly during childhood and adolescence, is essential for building strong bones and reducing the risk of osteoporosis later in life.

    Nerve Function: Calcium ions play a crucial role in transmitting nerve impulses throughout the body. When a nerve cell is stimulated, it undergoes a series of changes in membrane potential, leading to the opening of calcium channels and an influx of calcium ions into the cell. This influx of calcium ions triggers the release of neurotransmitters from the nerve terminal, allowing for communication between nerve cells and enabling various bodily functions, including movement, sensation, and organ function.

    Overall, calcium is essential for maintaining the structural integrity of bones and teeth, regulating muscle contraction, facilitating nerve function, and supporting various biochemical processes throughout the body.

  • Sfera Berberine 60 VegCaps


    Berberine Veg Caps

    Berberine aristate (tree turmeric) is a hardy tree that thrives in the high altitude of the western Himalayas. Berberine means ‘wood of the gods’ and has a long history of medicinal use in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. Berberine may help to support healthy blood sugar, blood pressure and blood lipid levels.

    • May improve heart function.
    • May aid in glycemic regulation.
    • May reduce triglycerides, serum cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.
    • Has antimicrobial effects including antibacterial, antifungal and some antimycobacterial and antiprotozoal.


    Suggested use: Take one (1) capsule two to three times daily, 30 minutes before meals, or as directed by your health care provider. Do not exceed the recommended dose.


    Further information:

    Warnings & Precautions

    Do not take Sfera Berberine:

    • if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to any of the ingredients of Sfera Berberine.
    • If you are taking tetracycline.
    • If you are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners) such as warfarin or heparin.

    Other medicines and Sfera Berberine:

    • Always tell your healthcare provider if you are taking any other medicine. (This includes all complementary or traditional medicines.)
    • If you are taking blood pressure or diabetes medication, antibiotics or have any other medical condition, consult your health care provider.

    Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Not recommended if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.



    One vegetarian capsule provides:

    Berberis aristata (Indian Barberry) [root, extract standardised for a minimum 97% Berberine Hydrochloride]
    500 mg

    Other ingedients: Vegetarian capsule, natural flow agent and microcrystalline cellulose.

  • TerraNova Glucosamine Chondroitin & Boswellia Complex – 50 VegCaps


    This supplement may help to maintain flexible and comfortable joints and may also be beneficial for active people. The active ingredients provide nutritional support for healthy bones, skin and nails, eyes, blood vessels and heart function.


    Suggested use: As a food supplement for adults, take 2 capsules 2 times per day with food. Do not exceed stated dose unless directed by a healthcare practitioner.


    Further information:

    4 Capsules daily, typically provides:

    Nettle Leaf (Urtica dioica) – fresh freeze dried 200mg
    Ginger Rhizome/Root (Zingiber officinale) – fresh freeze dried – ORGANIC 200mg
    Hops Strobile (Humulus lupulus) – fresh freeze dried – ORGANIC 100mg
    Rosemary Leaf (Rosmarinus officinalis) – fresh freeze dried – ORGANIC 100mgGlucosamine (as Hydrochloride – vegetarian source)1000mg
    Chondroitin Sulphate (Vegan) [*Mythrocondro®] 600mg
    Boswellia Extract (Boswellia serata) [**AprèsFlex®] 100mg
    Vegetarian Capsule Shell (Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose)