
Showing 81–100 of 109 results

  • Soaring Free Black Maca Powder 200g


    Black Maca – Peruvian Root Powder

    Legend has it that Inca warriors used to eat maca before going into battle – they believed it gave them invincible strength and stamina. Black maca is the rarest of the maca roots with antioxidant-rich black colour pigments found primarily in the skin of the roots.

    Black maca provides excellent support for your body pre- and post-exercise. Blend into smoothies, hot chocolate, desserts, snack bars and sweet treats. Maca has an incredible synergistic effect when combined with raw cacao, so add it into your chocolate creations. Start with 1 tsp a day, and gradually move up to 8 tsp or more.

    Maca grows high up in the Peruvian Andes mountains where the extremely mineral rich soils account for it high levels of energy, protein, minerals and dietary fibre.

    • Boosts athletic performance
    • Improves cognitive function
    • Strengthens bones
    • Boosts libido
    • Increases fertility
    • Improves adrenal function
    • Female hormone tonic
    • Reduces stress
    • Male hormone tonic
  • Soaring Free Cacao Nibs Raw 200g


    Cacao Nibs – Raw Chocolate Chips

    Raw chocolate is one of the highest antioxidant foods known, a rich source of magnesium and mood enhancing brain chemicals including PEA (phenylethimine), anandamide, serotonin and dopamine. Raw cacao has a rich history amongst ancient Central American cultures. Associated with nobility and abundance, cacao was known as ‘the food of the gods’ or ‘black gold’ and traded as currency. Cacao nibs are crushed cacao beans used as chocolate chips.

    Cacao Nibs have a strong, dark bitter chocolate flavour. Delicious on your morning breakfast or smoothie. They can also be ground into a rich dark powder using a coffee grinder to make raw desserts of all kinds, or added to your on-the-go healthy snack pack.

    • Magnesium
    • Antioxidants
    • Anti-depressant
    • Weight management


    Further information:


    • Magnesium is the primarily mineral missing when heart problems occur.
    • Magnesium increases the overall vigor of the heart muscle.
    • This mineral also decreases blood coagulation thus lowering blood pressure and helping the heart pump more effectively.
    • Cacao, of course, is a fantastic food source of heart-supporting magnesium.


    • According to research cited in The New York Times, fresh cacao beans are super-rich in antioxidant flavonols.
    • Cacao beans contain 10,000 milligrams (10 grams) per 100 grams of flavonol antioxidants.
    • This is a whopping 10% antioxidant concentration level!
    • This makes cacao one of the richest sources of antioxidants of any food.

    Anti-Depressant Properties:

    • Cacao is a great source of serotonin, dopamine, and phenylethylamine, three well-studied neurotransmitters, which help alleviate depression and are associated with feelings of well being.
    • Cacao contains monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO Inhibitors) that improve our mood because they allow serotonin and dopamine to remain in the bloodstream longer without being broken down.
    • Cacao contains anandamide which delivers blissful feelings.
    • Cacao also contains B vitamins, which are associated with brain health.
    • Cacao contains significant quantities of the amino acid tryptophan which is yet another powerful mood-enhancing nutrient.
    • All this makes cacao a natural Anti-Depressant!

    Weight Management:

    • Anyone who eats chocolate knows that it diminishes appetite.
    • There is evidence indicating MAOIs also diminish appetite.
    • There is actually no scientific evidence to implicate chocolate consumption with obesity.
    • In fact the reverse seems to be the case.
    • Eating cacao helps one to loose weight by allowing you to eat less.


    How to use Cacao nibs

    Sprinkle them over your morning breakfast or use them as chocolate chips in your smoothies or snack mixes. For an instant decadent dessert combine cacao nibs and honey with your favourite nut butter. Recommended 5 – 20g per day.

    Direct Sourcing

    Most cacao products are roasted at high temperatures and then refined through machinery using high heat. Soaring Free Superfoods raw cacao products are carefully dried and cold processed ensuring truly raw cacao that keeps the delicate nutrients intact. Our cacao is certified organic and tested for heavy metals.

  • Soaring Free Chia Seeds 40g


    Chia Seeds

    An energy-boosting, anti-ageing superfood that’s easy to digest and absorb. Chia means strength in Mayan and has over 3000 years of history as an ancient revered crop. As with many other superfoods, Chia was considered more valuable than gold to the Aztecs. It’s spectacular nutritional profile makes it a wonderfully nourishing food, providing essential protein, fats and carbohydrates, as well as a wide array of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

    • Chia is one of the highest plant based omega-3 sources outperforming even flax seeds.
    • The excellent ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 of 3:2 makes it a great anti-inflammatory food.
    • The soluble rich fibre gel in Chia soothes the digestive system and slows the release of sugars into the bloodstream stabilising blood sugar levels.
    • Chia is known as a dieters dream food as it bulks up meals with low calorie nutrient density without altering flavour.
    • The combination of essential fats, fibre and protein make Chia an excellent food for improving endurance and fitness.
    • It has the ability to help keep the body hydrated and electrolytes balanced.
    • The potent antioxidants in Chia naturally preserve the sensitive Omega-3 oils and provide anti-aging benefits.
  • Soaring Free Chlorella Tablets 200g


    Organic Chlorella Tablets – Chlorophyll detox

    Superfoods Chlorella Tablets are certified organic and additive-free, which means you get pure potent nourishment in every dose. Chlorella is a freshwater micro-algae that is absolutely packed with chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, protein and phytochemicals. It has powerful detoxing properties and promotes healthy immune function. Each Superfood Chlorella Tablet contains 200mg of chlorella.

    • Pure organic chlorella tablets
    • 200mg chlorella per tablet
    • Broken cell walls make the chlorella easy for the body to absorb & use
    • Easy to swallow with water, juice or smoothies
    • Certified organic, non-GMO
    • No artificial additives or preservatives
    • No artificial colours or fragrances

    Key benefits of chlorella:

    • Detoxifying properties
    • High in antioxidants
    • Supports healthy immune function
    • Promotes healthy digestion by supporting beneficial gut flora
    • Promotes tissue regeneration, growth & repair
    • A great source of plant-based protein
  • Soaring Free Hemp Powder 200g


    Hemp Powder

    Muscle builder & energy booster; easy to digest and vegan-friendly. As an ancient, highly revered food, hemp seed contains all the essential amino acids your body needs, and is considered to be a complete protein source.


    Benefits of a hemp seed protein supplement:

    • Easily digestible complete protein
    • For building and repairing tissue
    • Immune system support
    • Digestive & colon health

    Hemp Seed Protein Powder is the fined milled or powdered hemp seed once the oil content has been removed. Hemp is the answer for anyone looking for an organic, raw, vegan muscle builder and energy booster. It contains all essential amino acids and fatty acids. Hemp Seed protein powder is considered to be a complete food boasting 65% absorbable high-quality protein and all 10 essential Amino Acids.

    Note: Hemp Seed Protein Powder does not contain THC

  • Soaring Free Hemp Powder 850g


    Hemp Powder

    Muscle builder & energy booster; easy to digest and vegan-friendly. As an ancient, highly revered food, hemp seed contains all the essential amino acids your body needs, and is considered to be a complete protein source.


    Benefits of a hemp seed protein supplement:

    • Easily digestible complete protein
    • For building and repairing tissue
    • Immune system support
    • Digestive & colon health

    Hemp Seed Protein Powder is the fined milled or powdered hemp seed once the oil content has been removed. Hemp is the answer for anyone looking for an organic, raw, vegan muscle builder and energy booster. It contains all essential amino acids and fatty acids. Hemp Seed protein powder is considered to be a complete food boasting 65% absorbable high-quality protein and all 10 essential Amino Acids.

    Note: Hemp Seed Protein Powder does not contain THC

  • Soaring Free Maca Powder 200g


    Organic Maca Powder

    Maca is an adaptogen, meaning that it helps the body to adapt to increased stressors. Maca is well known as an amazing hormone balancer, and strength builder. Because of its oxygenating effect on the blood, it has also gained the reputation for being the best natural aphrodisiac.

    Maca is a wonderful superfood and will benefit you in the following:

    • High in vitamins especially vitamins B1, B2, C and E.
    • Rich in minerals including calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sulfur and iron, and contains trace minerals, including zinc, iodine, copper, selenium, bismuth, manganese and silica.
    • It has about 10% bioavailable calcium and about 12-14% bioavailable protein.
    • It contains nearly 20 amino acids and seven essential amino acids.
    • It is power-packed with life enhancing enzymes. “A person’s lifespan is directly related to the exhaustion of their enzyme potential.” – Dr Howell. Which basically means more enzymes in your diet equal a longer and healthier life.
    • Maca also contains nearly 60 phytochemicals.
    • Dried maca powder contains 60% carbohydrates, 9% fiber, and slightly more than 10% protein. It has a higher lipid (fat) content than other root crops (2.2%).
    • But most importantly – it is an adaptogen so it “adapts” to your body’s metabolism, working with your body for optimum results. It has the ability to balance and stabilise the body’s systems (cardiovascular system, nervous system, musculature, lymphatic system, etc.). As an adaptogen, Maca can provide more energy if it is needed, but if it is not, it will not overstimulate. Adaptogens also boost immunity and increase the body’s overall vitality by 10-15% according to most studies. Rather than addressing a specific symptom, adaptogens are used to improve the overall adaptability of the whole body to diverse and challenging situations and stress. This is an excellent supplement during pregnancy.
  • Soaring Free Maca Powder 40g


    Organic Maca Powder

    Maca is an adaptogen, meaning that it helps the body to adapt to increased stressors. Maca is well known as an amazing hormone balancer, and strength builder. Because of its oxygenating effect on the blood, it has also gained the reputation for being the best natural aphrodisiac.

    Maca is a wonderful superfood and will benefit you in the following:

    • High in vitamins especially vitamins B1, B2, C and E.
    • Rich in minerals including calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sulfur and iron, and contains trace minerals, including zinc, iodine, copper, selenium, bismuth, manganese and silica.
    • It has about 10% bioavailable calcium and about 12-14% bioavailable protein.
    • It contains nearly 20 amino acids and seven essential amino acids.
    • It is power-packed with life enhancing enzymes. “A person’s lifespan is directly related to the exhaustion of their enzyme potential.” – Dr Howell. Which basically means more enzymes in your diet equal a longer and healthier life.
    • Maca also contains nearly 60 phytochemicals.
    • Dried maca powder contains 60% carbohydrates, 9% fiber, and slightly more than 10% protein. It has a higher lipid (fat) content than other root crops (2.2%).
    • But most importantly – it is an adaptogen so it “adapts” to your body’s metabolism, working with your body for optimum results. It has the ability to balance and stabilise the body’s systems (cardiovascular system, nervous system, musculature, lymphatic system, etc.). As an adaptogen, Maca can provide more energy if it is needed, but if it is not, it will not overstimulate. Adaptogens also boost immunity and increase the body’s overall vitality by 10-15% according to most studies. Rather than addressing a specific symptom, adaptogens are used to improve the overall adaptability of the whole body to diverse and challenging situations and stress. This is an excellent supplement during pregnancy.
  • Soaring Free Moringa Powder 200g


    Moringa Powder

    Moringa is a magical must-have for all plant-based pantries. Moringa Powder is one of the most nutrient dense plants on the planet. It contains all essential amino acids, and is rich in vitamins, minerals, omega oils, and antioxidants too. Boost your immune-system, and supercharge your diet with Soaring Free Superfoods Organic Moringa Powder.

    • Quick, and convenient powdered moringa leaves
    • Complete plant-based protein source with all essential amino acids
    • Strengthens bones with 17 x the calcium of dairy milk
    • Supports heart health with 15 x the potassium of bananas
    • Ultra cleansing with 4 x the chlorophyll of wheatgrass
    • Source of superoxide dismutase
    • No additives, or fillers
    • Non-irradiated
    • Packed in 100% biodegradable materials
    • CERES certified organic
    • Sustainably grown
    • Raw
    • Kosher
    • Vegan
  • Soaring Free Potent Protein Shake AWAKEN Chocolate Boost 250g


    Awaken Chocolate Boost

    A delicious, chocolate superfood protein mix of 6 energising superfoods and adaptogenic superherbs to awaken your senses, boost your focus and connect you to your inner flow. Activate your inner life force energy. Recommended for all chocolate lovers and those who need a powerful boost of feel-good endorphins, mental focus and sustained energy to keep you going, fit, healthy and on-the-move.

    • 10g Protein per serving
    • Mesquite is an excellent protein source at 17% protein, higher than nearly every grain and many nuts or seeds.
    • Rich in dietary fibre, the nutrients in mesquite are absorbed slowly, effectively balancing blood sugar and preventing hunger.
    • Sweetened with the low GI and all natural Monk Fruit
    • Cacoa powder is extremely healthy for you and is on of the richest sources of antioxidants
    • Contains magnesium which increases the overall vigor of the heart muscle.
    • Ideal for chocolate lovers!
    • Chia is one of the highest plant based omega-3 sources outperforming even flax seeds.
    • The excellent ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 of 3:2 makes it a great anti-inflammatory food.
    • Lucuma is an excellent source of carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins especially beta-carotene, niacin and vitamin C
    • And also a good source of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and remarkable concentrations of iron.
    • Hemp is the answer for anyone looking for an organic, raw, vegan muscle builder and energy booster.
    • It contains all essential amino acids and fatty acids.
    • Hemp Seed protein powder is considered to be a complete food boasting 65% absorbable high-quality protein and all 10 essential Amino Acids.
    • Maca is high in vitamins especially vitamins B1, B2, C and E. Rich in minerals including calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sulfur and iron
    • And contains trace minerals, including zinc, iodine, copper, selenium, bismuth, manganese and silica.
    • Maca is an adaptogen, meaning that it helps the body to adapt to increased stressors, and it is well known as an amazing hormone balancer, and strength builder.
    • Packaging is reusable, compostable and biodegradable
    • Dairy free
    • Gluten free
    • Vegan
    • Non GMO

    Suggested use: Serving size 35g. Make a superfood protein smoothie or meal replacement. Blend 1-2 Tbsp with 250ml water or milk alternative, nuts, frozen banana and dates or honey to sweeten.

    Further information:

    Upgrade your nutrition with Soaring Free Awaken Superfood Protein Shake – Chocolate Boost and enjoy the great benefits of cacao superfood! Packed with the power of 6 superfoods, superherbs & extra protein, this smoothie mix is a concentrated and potent synergistic blend of Lucuma, Mesquite, Raw Cacao, Hemp Seeds and Maca as well as key medicinal herb, Cinnamon to provide a broad energising spectrum of essential vibration. These blends are sweetened with Monk Fruit – which is all natural and low GI. Soaring Free Awaken Superfood Protein Shake – Chocolate Boost can be used everyday as the ideal protein boost or meal supplement when you’re active, on-the-go or exercising.

  • Soaring Free Potent Protein Shake LEAN Green Alkaliser 50g


    Lean Green Alkaliser – Superfood protein shake

    Alkalise and energise with this hearty Soaring Free Lean Superfood Protein Shake – Green Alkaliser! Packed with the alkalising power of five superfoods & superherbs – also sweetened with low GI, all natural Monk Fruit. Concentrated and potent, these highly alkalising superfoods are essential to rebalance pH and cleanse the system.  It is ideally used  Soaring Free Lean Superfood Protein Shake – Green Alkaliser can be used everyday as the ideal protein boost or meal supplement when you’re active, on-the-go or exercising.

    • 10g protein per serving
    • A concentrated and potent synergistic blend of essential alkalising superfoods to rebalance the pH and detoxify the body.
    • African baobab is a good source of vitamin C, potassium, carbohydrates, and phosphorus.
    • Sweetened with the low GI and all natural Monk Fruit
    • Hemp is the answer for anyone looking for an organic, raw, vegan muscle builder and energy booster.
    • All essential amino acids and fatty acids.
    • Hemp Seed protein powder is considered to be a complete food boasting 65% absorbable high-quality protein and all 10 essential Amino Acids.
    • African moringa is a good source of protein and also contains calcium and phosphorous, which help keep bones healthy and strong.
    • Spirulina contains significant amounts of calcium, niacin, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins and iron.
    • Packaging is reusable, compostable and biodegradable
    • Dairy free
    • Gluten free
    • Vegan
    • Non GMO

    Suggested use: Serving size 35g. Make a superfood protein smoothie or meal replacement. Blend 1-2 Tbsp with 250ml water or milk alternative, nuts, frozen banana and dates or honey to sweeten.

  • Soaring Free Potent Protein Shake NOURISH Lucuma Dream 250g


    Nourish Lucuma Dream – Superfood protein shake

    Soaring Free Nourish Superfood Protein Shake – Lucuma Dream is a soothing, synergistic combination of essential superfoods & superherbs that is made to replenish the body and help you function optimally. This super shake is packed with the power of five superfoods – a concentrated and potent synergistic blend of Lucuma, Chia seeds, Mesquite, Hemp Seeds and Maca. These blends are sweetened with Monk Fruit – which is all natural and low GI. It is ideally used as a protein boost or meal supplement when you’re active, on-the-go or exercising. Soaring Free Nourish Superfood Protein Shake – Lucuma Dream can be used everyday as the ideal way to get more nutrition into your body.

    • 10g Protein per serving
    • Lucuma is an excellent source of carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins especially beta-carotene, niacin and vitamin C
    • And also a good source of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and remarkable concentrations of iron.
    • Sweetened with the low GI and all natural Monk Fruit
    • Chia is one of the highest plant based omega-3 sources outperforming even flax seeds.
    • The excellent ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 of 3:2 makes it a great anti-inflammatory food.
    • Mesquite is an excellent protein source at 17% protein, higher than nearly every grain and many nuts or seeds.
    • Rich in dietary fibre, the nutrients in mesquite are absorbed slowly, effectively balancing blood sugar and preventing hunger.
    • Hemp is the answer for anyone looking for an organic, raw, vegan muscle builder and energy booster.
    • It contains all essential amino acids and fatty acids.
    • Hemp Seed protein powder is considered to be a complete food boasting 65% absorbable high-quality protein and all 10 essential Amino Acids.
    • Maca is high in vitamins especially vitamins B1, B2, C and E. Rich in minerals including calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sulfur and iron
    • And contains trace minerals, including zinc, iodine, copper, selenium, bismuth, manganese and silica.
    • Maca is an adaptogen, meaning that it helps the body to adapt to increased stressors, and it is well known as an amazing hormone balancer, and strength builder.
    • Packaging is reusable, compostable and biodegradable
    • Dairy free
    • Gluten free
    • Vegan
    • Non GMO

    Suggested use: Serving size 35g. Make a superfood protein smoothie or meal replacement. Blend 1-2 Tbsp with 250ml water or milk alternative, nuts, frozen banana and dates or honey to sweeten.

  • Soaring Free Spirulina Protein Blue Green Algae Powder 200g


    Organic Spirulina Powder – Protein-rich, blue-green algae

    Nutrient-rich spirulina platensis is a blue-green algae, which occurs naturally in the highly alkaline volcanic lakes of Africa and Mexico. This 3,5 billion-year-old organism has emerged as one of the most complete sources of nutrition on earth, because it has the remarkable ability to convert sun energy into vital substances!

    • 65% pure protein by weight
    • 12 times more digestible protein than beef
    • Contains all essential amino acids
    • Cleansing & detoxifying effects; promotes digestive health
    • High in Chlorophyll & antioxidants
    • Highest protein content of any plant-based food
    • Packed with B vitamins for healthy energy levels
    • Calcium-rich, promotes bone health
    • High iron content combats anaemia & promotes healthy red blood cells
    • Packed with vitamins & minerals
    • Can assist with allergy control & weight control
    • Faster recovery
    • Stronger teeth & bones
    • Energising
    • Alkalising
    • Cleaning
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Highly nourishing
    • Boosts immunity

    Spirulina powder has a unique, salty taste. Blend into fresh juice or smoothies. It combines well with citrus fruits such as pineapple, orange, lemon as well as mint. Also sprinkle on salads and rice, or blend into salad dressing. You can also make spirulina dessert & chocolates! See recipe section. Start with 3g daily, (level teaspoon or 6 tablets) and gradually build up to a recommended daily dose of 10g (or 20 tablets) for overall health maintenance.

  • Soaring Free Spirulina Tablets 15g


    Organic Spirulina Tablets

    Spirulina contains a phenomenal combination of chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytonutrients and antioxidants. Spirulina is a blue-green algae, which occurs naturally in highly alkaline volcanic lakes. This 3,5 billion-year-old organism has emerged as one of the most complete sources of nutrition on earth, because it has the remarkable ability to convert sun energy into vital substances! The name “Spirulina” is derived from the Latin word for “helix” or “spiral”, referring to the physical configuration of the organism when it forms swirling, microscopic strands.

    • A complete protein, containing all essential amino acids
    • Chlorophyll-rich, high in antioxidants
    • Highest protein content of any plant-based food
    • Packed with B vitamins for higher energy levels
    • Calcium & iron for bone & blood health
    • High iron content combats anaemia
    • Cleansing & detoxifying effects
    • Contains a wide array of vitamins & minerals
    • Can assist with weight control
    • Useful for managing allergies
    • Faster recovery
    • Stronger teeth & bones
    • Energising
    • Alkalising
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Highly nourishing
    • Boosts immunity
  • The Harvest Table Power Protein Shake Sachet Chocolate 30g


    Power Protein Shake Sachet – Chocolate

    The Power Protein Shake is based on the powerful combination of grass-fed whey concentrate, collagen and l-glutamine which not only builds muscle but also looks after the gut.  Athletes for many years have used whey protein to build muscle.  Many whey proteins on the market are over-processed and can be damaging to the digestive system leading to ulcers and discomfort.  A good quality grass-fed whey is much gentler on the system.

    But why have athletes only focused on muscle building when joint maintenance is equally important?  By adding collagen into your routine you can now not only build muscle but look after your joints and ligaments to prevent injury.

    Our Power Protein Shake is lightly flavoured with pure chocolate and sweetened with our Lean Suga.  It also contains MCT oil powder from coconut source which gives your body energy when you need it most as well as Magnesium to support muscle function.



    Further information:

    Ingredients: Whey concentrate(35%), hydrolysed collagen (bovine)(21%), Lean Suga (xylitol, erythritol, coconut sugar, himalayan salt ), chocolate powder,  coconut medium chain triglycerides (coconut oil, soluble corn fibre, sodium caseinate, sunflower lecithin, silicon dioxide), xylitol, l-glutamine(2,7%), magnesium citrate, himalayan salt

  • The Harvest Table Pure Bone Broth Instantly Dissolving Type I,III & V Collagen 350g


    Bone Broth – Instantly Dissolving Type I,III & V Collagen

    Our Instantly Dissolving Bone Broth is an excellent source of protein, collagen, essential amino acids and minerals. Bone Broth provides a complete protein source as it contains all 9 essential amino acids, as well as glycine and proline, which are the key amino acids for collagen production. It is instantly dissolving and can be added to hot water to form a broth or added into cooking.

    Suggested use: Take 1 tablespoon daily. You can take multiple servings per day. It is instantly dissolving and can be added to hot water to form a broth or added into cooking.


    Further information:

    Ingredients: Beef Bone Broth

  • The Harvest Table Pure Multi Collagen 450g


    Pure Collagen – Multi

    The Harvest Table’s multi Collagen is the perfect blend of our Bovine, Marine and Chicken Collagens to give you all of the benefits of type I, II and III collagen.  Now you can receive the benefit of all three types of collagen in one.  This will ensure the optimum results in terms of strong hair and nails, glowing skin, joints that don’t ache and a healthy gut.

    • Natural support for skin, hair, nail, joint and gut
    • Features Collagen type I, II and III
    • Not suitable for vegans or strict vegetarians

    Add 2 tablespoons to a smoothie or shake in the morning. Can also be added into cooking.

  • The Real Thing Complete Plant Protein 620g


    Complete Plant Protein

    The Real Thing Complete Plant Protein comprises mostly of Yellow Canadian Pea Protein, plus our Omega 3 & 6 rich proteins – Pumpkin, Sunflower and Hemp seeds.

    We have selected specific digestive enzymes for this formula, that assists with digestion and absorption of protein. Enzymes work with other substances in the body, such as stomach acid and bile, to help break down food into smaller molecules, for a wide range of bodily functions.

    The result is a highly digestible protein that has a smooth and creamy taste.


    Serving suggestion: Mix two heaped tablespoons with up to 500ml water, fruit juice or blend in a smoothie.



  • The Real Thing Pro Protein Powder – 180g


    Pro Protein Powder

    Collagen is known to make your skin youthful and beautiful and strengthen your hair and nails, but it also does so much more in your body, such as regenerating joints, cartilage and connective tissue. The Real Thing Pro-Protein Hydrolyzed Collagen is one of the most concentrated sources of collagen around and has a 95% protein content that includes special amino acids unique to collagen. It stimulates release of growth hormone that helps your body heal after heavy exercise or after tissue injury and helps build lean muscle mass.

    • 95% pure protein powder
    • One of the purest and most concentrated sources of hydrolyzed marine collagen protein around
    • Hydrolyzed for easier digestion and absorption so your body can use it quickly and easily
    • No fat, cholesterol and refined sugars – unlike most other protein
    • No additives
    • No side-effects

    Suggested use:

    Mix half to 1 tablespoon (10g) in a glass of juice, water or a smoothie once a day.

    This product is safe to take, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but in smaller dosages. The recommended dosage would then be 1 teaspoon, once a day.

    Further information:


    Consult your physician if you are taking medication or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children.

    This is not a vegetarian product – it is made from hydrolysed marine collagen which is sourced from fish. The Real Thing sources their collagen from a company that supports sustainable eco-responsible practices in their business.

    Supplement facts:

    Peptan ™ hydrolyzed marine collagen.



  • Truefood Black Eye Beans 400g


    Black Eye Beans

    Truefood Black-Eye Beans also referred to as Black-eye peas are a great source of protein and iron, making them ideal for those who follow vegan and vegetarian diets. A serving of beans contains no cholesterol, lots of complex carbohydrates and virtually no fat. In addition, beans are a good source of B vitamins, potassium and digestive health promoting fibre.

    Black-eye Beans are:

    • High in fibre and can aid in digestion and maintain digestive health.
    • Rich in Potassium which can help to lower blood pressure and maintain a healthy heart.
    • High levels of folate in Black-eye beans help bodies make new cells and aid in a healthy pregnancy.
    • Rich in Vitamin A that boosts eye and skin health.
    • High in B vitamins that help to maintain energy levels throughout the day.

    Suggested use:

    Black-eye beans are small creamy textured beans with a black ‘scar’ where they were joined at the pod. They have an earthy flavour and are commonly used in salsas or as a meat replacement in burgers and curries.