
Showing 21–40 of 40 results

  • Nutrigreen Powder Moringa Oleifera Leaf 200g


    Moringa Oleifera Leaf Powder

    Moringa Leaf’s high nutritional value and a wide range of beneficial ingredients make this green vitamin, mineral, amino acid, super antioxidant complex and so much more, nutritionally beneficial for a range of ailments and general good health.


    Suggested use: Add the powder to your smoothie, soups, stews, or any dish where you want to up the nutritional value.

    Adults – Start with 1 1/2 tsp(3g) daily with meals. After a week slowly increase serving sizes and daily servings until you have reached an amount your body is comfortable with. Moringa is a food so it can be taken in servings of 10g or more daily with meals. It’s up to you.


    Further information:


    Moringa Oleifera Leaf powder

  • Nutrigreen Powder Schisandra Berry 200g


    Schisandra Berry Powder

    Nutritionally beneficial adaptogen. It helps to combat stress, fatigue ad improve the functioning of the kidneys and immune system. The Chinese call the berries Wu Wue Zi and use them as an aphrodisiac and to enhance female beauty.

    The superfood is also commonly used for preventing early aging, normalizing blood sugar and blood pressure, stimulating the immune system, alleviating oxidative stress on the liver and improving liver function, and speeding physical recovery after surgery.



  • Sfera Maca Yellow 60 – Caps


    Maca Regular Strength

    Maca is an Andean root and functions as a superb adaptogen, which can help your body adapt to daily stresses and pressures. It aids the body in reacting and recovering from physical and mental stress. Adaptogens like Maca can boost stamina, vitality and immunity. In addition, it can alleviate depression, anxiety and fatigue.

    Maca was reportedly consumed by the Inca warriors in preparation for battle. It is also known to increase male and female libido as well as fertility rate. Although unrelated to Ginseng, it is sometimes referred to as Peruvian ginseng because of its similar properties.  Our Maca capsules contain 100% raw Maca powder to provide the optimal benefits of the root.

    Key benefits:

    • Balances the hormones
    • Fertility
    • Increases stamina
    • Known to increase men and women’s libido or sex drive
    • Helps with mood, sleep and stress
    • Menopause support
    • PMS


    Suggested use: As a food supplement, take 1 – 3 capsules daily with water before meal times, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

    Up to 6 capsules per day can be taken in divided dosages. Up to 3-5 grams of the powdered herb can be taken per day.  (2 capsules = 1 gram of powder).

    Notes:  Maca can be taken when and if needed.  It also does not have to be taken at a certain time of day.


    Further information:


    No contraindications or toxicity known.

    May be taken during pregnancy.


    How it works:


    • Regulates the relationship between the pituitary, ovaries and adrenals.
    • Reestablishes normal rhythms, regulates cortisol and melatonin levels.


    • Increases fertility, the number of pregnancies and the birth weight of offspring. Decreases fatigues, increases libido and combats aneamia.


    • Ancient Peruvian herb that increases vitality, strength and stamina
    • Alleviates signs of decreasing hormones in middle age and menopause


    • Invigorates libido and is a sexual restorative in both men and women.


    • In menopause maca alleviates symptoms of low hormones, including flashes, vaginal lubrication, sexual function and libido.
    • Alleviated night sweats.
    • Works on the hypothalamus and pituitary to reestablish hormone levels.


    • Increases or decreases ratios of hormones according to what the body needs and promotes proper hormonal metabolism and production.
    • Decreases acne and is nutritive to the body due to its high vitamin, mineral and amino acid content.
  • Simply Bee Raw Fynbos Honey 500g


    Raw Fynbos Honey

    This luscious golden honey is as pure as you could wish for. Simply Bee honey is made from indigenous fynbos plants in a pristine, remote area of the Cape West Coast. The farm is committed to ethical, humane practices and the bees are never medicated or fed with sugar-water. There is no commercial farming surrounding the area where the bees collect their pollen; this means Simply Bee honey hasn’t been polluted with pesticides or contaminated with chemicals. This is a thick, delicious raw honey that sparkles with natural goodness; spread it on toast, stir it into tea or simply savour a spoonful straight out the jar!

    • No preservatives, additives, petroleum artificial flavours or colours
    • Antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal
    • Boosts energy levels
    • Strengthens immune system
    • Soothes sore throats & stomach ulcers
    • Has a delicious, naturally sweet taste with no processed sugars added
    • Can be used topically as a healing skin & hair treatment

    This honey is truly raw and does not go through the filtering process that commercial honeys do, it may contain small pieces of honeycomb and pollen. These pieces are harmless, healthy by-products of the beehive and are safe for consumption.

    Because this is pure raw honey, the colour, flavour and consistency may vary depending on the type of blossoms the bees’ nectar was gathered from.

  • Soaring Free Baobab Powder 200g


    Organic Baobab Powder – African Vitamin C Superfruit

    Baobab fruit has been used by traditional African cultures for centuries and was known to them as the Tree of Life.

    Baobao is a powerful antioxidant superfruit, rich in vitamin c, fibre and essential minerals including calcium and magnesium. The prebiotic fibre contained in baobab supports and nourishes gut flora.

    • Slows aging
    • Healthier skin
    • Blood sugar balancing
    • Colon health
    • Supports heart
    • Supports gut flora
    • Stronger bones and teeth
    • More energy
    • Alkalising
  • Soaring Free Cacao Paste Raw 200g


    Organic Raw Cacao Paste – Ecuadorian dark chocolate

    Cacao is chocolate in its raw state – unheated, NO trans fats, NO sugars, NO dairy. 100% pure, dark chocolate. Chocolate is one of the world’s most well-loved foods, yet very few people have ever had the real food that all chocolate comes from – cacao beans! Cacao beans are the seeds of the cacao fruit – it is truly a nut which grows on a jungle tree. Cacao beans are 100% pure dark chocolate!

    • Magnesium
    • Antioxidants
    • Anti-depressant
    • Weight management

    Further information:


    • Magnesium is the primarily mineral missing when heart problems occur.
    • Magnesium increases the overall vigor of the heart muscle.
    • This mineral also decreases blood coagulation thus lowering blood pressure and helping the heart pump more effectively.
    • Cacao, of course, is a fantastic food source of heart-supporting magnesium.


    • According to research cited in The New York Times, fresh cacao beans are super-rich in antioxidant flavonols.
    • Cacao beans contain 10,000 milligrams (10 grams) per 100 grams of flavonol antioxidants.
    • This is a whopping 10% antioxidant concentration level!
    • This makes cacao one of the richest sources of antioxidants of any food.

    Anti-Depressant Properties:

    • Cacao is a great source of serotonin, dopamine, and phenylethylamine, three well-studied neurotransmitters, which help alleviate depression and are associated with feelings of well being.
    • Cacao contains monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO Inhibitors) that improve our mood because they allow serotonin and dopamine to remain in the bloodstream longer without being broken down.
    • Cacao contains anandamide which delivers blissful feelings.
    • Cacao also contains B vitamins, which are associated with brain health.
    • Cacao contains significant quantities of the amino acid tryptophan which is yet another powerful mood-enhancing nutrient.
    • All this makes cacao a natural Anti-Depressant!

    Weight Management:

    • Anyone who eats chocolate knows that it diminishes appetite.
    • There is evidence indicating MAOIs also diminish appetite.
    • There is actually no scientific evidence to implicate chocolate consumption with obesity.
    • In fact the reverse seems to be the case.
    • Eating cacao helps one to loose weight by allowing you to eat less.


  • Soaring Free Cacao Powder Raw 200g


    Organic Cacao Powder – Raw chocolate powder

    Good news for chocolate-lovers… chocolate in its raw state is extremely healthy for you and is in fact the highest antioxidant superfood known to man. Raw, unheated, sugar-free and dairy-free cacao will help you turn cravings for ordinary chocolate into super-nutrition.

    • Magnesium rich
    • Antioxidant rich
    • Natural anti-depressant
    • Weight management


    Further information:


    • Magnesium is the primarily mineral missing when heart problems occur.
    • Magnesium increases the overall vigor of the heart muscle.
    • This mineral also decreases blood coagulation thus lowering blood pressure and helping the heart pump more effectively.
    • Cacao, of course, is a fantastic food source of heart-supporting magnesium.


    • According to research cited in The New York Times, fresh cacao beans are super-rich in antioxidant flavonols.
    • Cacao beans contain 10,000 milligrams (10 grams) per 100 grams of flavonol antioxidants.
    • This is a whopping 10% antioxidant concentration level!
    • This makes cacao one of the richest sources of antioxidants of any food.

    Anti-Depressant Properties:

    • Cacao is a great source of serotonin, dopamine, and phenylethylamine, three well-studied neurotransmitters, which help alleviate depression and are associated with feelings of well being.
    • Cacao contains monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO Inhibitors) that improve our mood because they allow serotonin and dopamine to remain in the bloodstream longer without being broken down.
    • Cacao contains anandamide which delivers blissful feelings.
    • Cacao also contains B vitamins, which are associated with brain health.
    • Cacao contains significant quantities of the amino acid tryptophan which is yet another powerful mood-enhancing nutrient.
    • All this makes cacao a natural Anti-Depressant!

    Weight Management:

    • Anyone who eats chocolate knows that it diminishes appetite.
    • There is evidence indicating MAOIs also diminish appetite.
    • There is actually no scientific evidence to implicate chocolate consumption with obesity.
    • In fact the reverse seems to be the case.
    • Eating cacao helps one to loose weight by allowing you to eat less.
  • Soaring Free Cacao Powder Raw 850g


    Organic Cacao Powder – Raw chocolate powder

    Good news for chocolate-lovers… chocolate in its raw state is extremely healthy for you and is in fact the highest antioxidant superfood known to man. Raw, unheated, sugar-free and dairy-free cacao will help you turn cravings for ordinary chocolate into super-nutrition.

    • Magnesium rich
    • Antioxidant rich
    • Natural anti-depressant
    • Weight management


    Further information:


    • Magnesium is the primarily mineral missing when heart problems occur.
    • Magnesium increases the overall vigor of the heart muscle.
    • This mineral also decreases blood coagulation thus lowering blood pressure and helping the heart pump more effectively.
    • Cacao, of course, is a fantastic food source of heart-supporting magnesium.


    • According to research cited in The New York Times, fresh cacao beans are super-rich in antioxidant flavonols.
    • Cacao beans contain 10,000 milligrams (10 grams) per 100 grams of flavonol antioxidants.
    • This is a whopping 10% antioxidant concentration level!
    • This makes cacao one of the richest sources of antioxidants of any food.

    Anti-Depressant Properties:

    • Cacao is a great source of serotonin, dopamine, and phenylethylamine, three well-studied neurotransmitters, which help alleviate depression and are associated with feelings of well being.
    • Cacao contains monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO Inhibitors) that improve our mood because they allow serotonin and dopamine to remain in the bloodstream longer without being broken down.
    • Cacao contains anandamide which delivers blissful feelings.
    • Cacao also contains B vitamins, which are associated with brain health.
    • Cacao contains significant quantities of the amino acid tryptophan which is yet another powerful mood-enhancing nutrient.
    • All this makes cacao a natural Anti-Depressant!

    Weight Management:

    • Anyone who eats chocolate knows that it diminishes appetite.
    • There is evidence indicating MAOIs also diminish appetite.
    • There is actually no scientific evidence to implicate chocolate consumption with obesity.
    • In fact the reverse seems to be the case.
    • Eating cacao helps one to loose weight by allowing you to eat less.
  • Soaring Free Camu Camu Berry 100g


    Camu Camu – Amazonian Vitamin C Superberry

    Camu camu berry is the highest, botanical source of vitamin C in the world. It is known for it’s stress defence benefits thanks to high amounts of GABA (also known as The Peacemaker), as well as it’s powerful antioxidant, free-radical fighting effects.

    Camu Camu  is an excellent source of carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins especially beta-carotene, niacin and vitamin C, and also a good source of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and remarkable concentrations of iron. The combination of complex carbohydrates, minerals and fiber make it an excellent low-glycemic addition to recipes. The carotenoids in Lucuma have powerful antioxidant & immune-enhancing activity and promote Proper Cell Communication.

    • Strengthens immunity
    • Protects the brain
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Natural, effective anti-depressant
    • Promotes feeling of calm + tranquility
    • Protects your vision
    • Natural Skin protection
    • Anti-Viral
    • Strengthen teeth and bones
    • Longevity Berry
    • Improves Night Vision
    • Boosts antioxidants


    How to use CamuCamu: Blend into water, juice, smoothies or desserts. Combine camu camu powder with honey to create your own super immune-boosting flu buster and throat soother. Stir into water and sip throughout the day to maximise your vitamin C uptake.



    Further information:

    Camu camu berry has a long history of indigenous use and has incredible benefits verified by science. It is a small, red, South American superberry that grows wild along the rivers of the Amazon rainforest. Once referred to as the Gold of the Incas.

    It’s tasty flavor and aroma are hard to describe or compare to any other. Some may say it tastes like caramel custard and others a bit like pumpkin. Its texture, unlike most fruits, is dry, quite starchy and with a paste-like consistency that melts in your mouth.

    Regular consumption can also increase energy levels in the body through the concentrations of iron promoting blood oxygenation.

    In its raw powder form, lacuma fruit can be used as a natural and nutritious sweetener, and it is an excellent flavouring for ice cream and smoothies.



  • Soaring Free Chia Seeds 850g


    Chia Seeds

    An energy-boosting, anti-ageing superfood that’s easy to digest and absorb. Chia means strength in Mayan and has over 3000 years of history as an ancient revered crop. As with many other superfoods, Chia was considered more valuable than gold to the Aztecs. It’s spectacular nutritional profile makes it a wonderfully nourishing food, providing essential protein, fats and carbohydrates, as well as a wide array of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

    • Chia is one of the highest plant based omega-3 sources outperforming even flax seeds.
    • The excellent ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 of 3:2 makes it a great anti-inflammatory food.
    • The soluble rich fibre gel in Chia soothes the digestive system and slows the release of sugars into the bloodstream stabilising blood sugar levels.
    • Chia is known as a dieters dream food as it bulks up meals with low calorie nutrient density without altering flavour.
    • The combination of essential fats, fibre and protein make Chia an excellent food for improving endurance and fitness.
    • It has the ability to help keep the body hydrated and electrolytes balanced.
    • The potent antioxidants in Chia naturally preserve the sensitive Omega-3 oils and provide anti-aging benefits.
  • Soaring Free Chlorella Tablets 200g


    Organic Chlorella Tablets – Chlorophyll detox

    Superfoods Chlorella Tablets are certified organic and additive-free, which means you get pure potent nourishment in every dose. Chlorella is a freshwater micro-algae that is absolutely packed with chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, protein and phytochemicals. It has powerful detoxing properties and promotes healthy immune function. Each Superfood Chlorella Tablet contains 200mg of chlorella.

    • Pure organic chlorella tablets
    • 200mg chlorella per tablet
    • Broken cell walls make the chlorella easy for the body to absorb & use
    • Easy to swallow with water, juice or smoothies
    • Certified organic, non-GMO
    • No artificial additives or preservatives
    • No artificial colours or fragrances

    Key benefits of chlorella:

    • Detoxifying properties
    • High in antioxidants
    • Supports healthy immune function
    • Promotes healthy digestion by supporting beneficial gut flora
    • Promotes tissue regeneration, growth & repair
    • A great source of plant-based protein
  • Soaring Free Golden Berries Dried 200g


    Organic Golden Berries – Nutrient dense superberry

    Also known as Gooseberries or Incan berries, these golden berries are native to the Peruvian Andes mountains. They are rich in vitamins, trace minerals and antioxidants, including polyphenols and carotenoids. Great for weight-loss diets and diabetics, they are low in sugar and a great, tasty source of nutrition.

    • A Peruvian superfood, Golden Incan Berries are rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
    • Golden Berries are said to have antioxidant, cancer protective, antibacterial, kidney and liver protective effects, and lowers blood sugar and fevers, as well as reducing inflammation and assisting in weight loss
    • Very low in fructose, and contains on average about 0.5% sucrose


  • Soaring Free Hemp Seeds 850g


    Organic Hemp Seeds – Alkalising, Protein-rich shelled seeds

    This raw, organic hemp supplement acts as a muscle builder and energy booster packed with protein. As an ancient, highly revered food, hemp seeds contain all the essential amino acids and are considered to be a complete protein source.

    • Easily digestible complete protein
    • Builds and repairs tissue
    • Supports the immune system
    • Supports digestive & colon health

    Shelled hemp seeds have a great nutty flavour. Mix into your favorite smoothie or sprinkle it on soups, cereals or fresh fruit. Our favourite is sprinkled over salads. Hemp milk is a delicious dairy alternative. Blend 1 cup of hemp seeds with 1l of water adding vanilla and a natural sweetener for flavour. Take 4 tablespoons daily, or more just following exercise.

  • Soaring Free Lucuma Powder 200g


    Organic Lucuma Powder

    From the valleys of Peru comes a fruit known as the ‘Gold of the Incas’, revered by the ancients for its delicious flavour and nutrient density. It is a low GI sweetener and is safe for diabetics.

    • Increased energy
    • Quicker healing
    • Immune Enhancing
    • Low-GI sweetener
    • Nutrient Rich
    • Strong Teeth and Bones
    • Improve Eyesight
    • Cleanse your liver
    • Great source of Vitamin C, beta-carotene and niacin for Radiant Skin


  • Soaring Free Lucuma Powder 850g


    Organic Lucuma Powder

    From the valleys of Peru comes a fruit known as the ‘Gold of the Incas’, revered by the ancients for its delicious flavour and nutrient density. It is a low GI sweetener and is safe for diabetics.

    • Increased energy
    • Quicker healing
    • Immune Enhancing
    • Low-GI sweetener
    • Nutrient Rich
    • Strong Teeth and Bones
    • Improve Eyesight
    • Cleanse your liver
    • Great source of Vitamin C, beta-carotene and niacin for Radiant Skin
  • Soaring Free Maca Powder 850g


    Organic Maca Powder

    Maca is an adaptogen, meaning that it helps the body to adapt to increased stressors. Maca is well known as an amazing hormone balancer, and strength builder. Because of its oxygenating effect on the blood, it has also gained the reputation for being the best natural aphrodisiac.

    Maca is a wonderful superfood and will benefit you in the following:

    • High in vitamins especially vitamins B1, B2, C and E.
    • Rich in minerals including calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sulfur and iron, and contains trace minerals, including zinc, iodine, copper, selenium, bismuth, manganese and silica.
    • It has about 10% bioavailable calcium and about 12-14% bioavailable protein.
    • It contains nearly 20 amino acids and seven essential amino acids.
    • It is power-packed with life enhancing enzymes. “A person’s lifespan is directly related to the exhaustion of their enzyme potential.” – Dr Howell. Which basically means more enzymes in your diet equal a longer and healthier life.
    • Maca also contains nearly 60 phytochemicals.
    • Dried maca powder contains 60% carbohydrates, 9% fiber, and slightly more than 10% protein. It has a higher lipid (fat) content than other root crops (2.2%).
    • But most importantly – it is an adaptogen so it “adapts” to your body’s metabolism, working with your body for optimum results. It has the ability to balance and stabilise the body’s systems (cardiovascular system, nervous system, musculature, lymphatic system, etc.). As an adaptogen, Maca can provide more energy if it is needed, but if it is not, it will not overstimulate. Adaptogens also boost immunity and increase the body’s overall vitality by 10-15% according to most studies. Rather than addressing a specific symptom, adaptogens are used to improve the overall adaptability of the whole body to diverse and challenging situations and stress. This is an excellent supplement during pregnancy.
  • Soaring Free Mesquite Powder 200g


    Mesquite Powder

    Mesquite pods are among the earliest known foods of prehistoric man in the new world. Native Americans saw it as an integral part of their culture, and served it as food and used it to make medicinal tea. The seedpods are ground into flour, and are rich in protein content also containing L-lysine as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc.

    • The natural sweetness in the pods comes from fructose which doesn’t require insulin to be metabolised, making it safe for diabetics.
    • Rich in dietary fibre, the nutrients in mesquite are absorbed slowly, effectively balancing blood sugar and preventing hunger.
    • Mesquite is an excellent protein source at 17% protein, higher than nearly every grain and many nuts or seeds.
    • The presence of L-Lysine supports the reduction of anxiety.

    Mesquite has a sweet, slightly nutty flavour, with a hint of molasses. It can be used as a natural and nutritious sweetener in recipes and is an excellent flavouring for raw chocolates and smoothies. It can also be used in baking or as a seasoning on food.

  • Soaring Free Moringa Powder 200g


    Moringa Powder

    Moringa is a magical must-have for all plant-based pantries. Moringa Powder is one of the most nutrient dense plants on the planet. It contains all essential amino acids, and is rich in vitamins, minerals, omega oils, and antioxidants too. Boost your immune-system, and supercharge your diet with Soaring Free Superfoods Organic Moringa Powder.

    • Quick, and convenient powdered moringa leaves
    • Complete plant-based protein source with all essential amino acids
    • Strengthens bones with 17 x the calcium of dairy milk
    • Supports heart health with 15 x the potassium of bananas
    • Ultra cleansing with 4 x the chlorophyll of wheatgrass
    • Source of superoxide dismutase
    • No additives, or fillers
    • Non-irradiated
    • Packed in 100% biodegradable materials
    • CERES certified organic
    • Sustainably grown
    • Raw
    • Kosher
    • Vegan
  • Soaring Free Spirulina Tablets 100g


    Organic Spirulina Tablets

    Spirulina contains a phenomenal combination of chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytonutrients and antioxidants. Spirulina is a blue-green algae, which occurs naturally in highly alkaline volcanic lakes. This 3,5 billion-year-old organism has emerged as one of the most complete sources of nutrition on earth, because it has the remarkable ability to convert sun energy into vital substances! The name “Spirulina” is derived from the Latin word for “helix” or “spiral”, referring to the physical configuration of the organism when it forms swirling, microscopic strands.

    • A complete protein, containing all essential amino acids
    • Chlorophyll-rich, high in antioxidants
    • Highest protein content of any plant-based food
    • Packed with B vitamins for higher energy levels
    • Calcium & iron for bone & blood health
    • High iron content combats anaemia
    • Cleansing & detoxifying effects
    • Contains a wide array of vitamins & minerals
    • Can assist with weight control
    • Useful for managing allergies
    • Faster recovery
    • Stronger teeth & bones
    • Energising
    • Alkalising
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Highly nourishing
    • Boosts immunity
  • Truefood Raw Cane Sugar 400g


    Raw Cane Sugar

    Truefood Organic Cane Sugar is naturally gluten-free and NON-GMO, believed to be the best substitute for refined white sugar. Organic cane sugar has a full-bodied taste and is less processed than conventionally grown sugar cane, it retains the nutrients present in cane juice, and is free of pesticides.

    Suggested use:

    Use in moderation to sweeten drinks and foods, in place of refined sugar.


    Cane Sugar