
Showing all 2 results

  • Biosil Black Cumin Seeds 140g Seeds

    Black Cumin Seeds
    Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa) is one of the most revered medicinal seeds in history.
    Please conduct your own research on this wonderful seed. There is a wealth of information available to this end. If it resonates with you, we have it right here for you.
    • Assists with cancer
    • Rheumatism
    • Inflammatory conditions
    • Asthma*
    • Coughs*
    • Enhances immunity*

    *Black cumin seeds mixed with honey and garlic are excellent tonics for people with asthma or coughs as well as those who want to enhance their immunity during cold and flu season or when an infection is setting in.


    Further information:

    Culinary uses

    Black cumin seeds are small. They can be used to make tea by simply pouring hot water over the seeds and letting the brew steep for 10 minutes, about a tablespoon makes a nice cup of tea, but it is better to keep the cup covered until ready to drink so as to prevent the aroma from escaping.
    The seeds can also be added to casseroles or breads, used in canning, or extracted in wine or vinegar. Some people grind the seeds and mix them with honey or sprinkle them on salads. They make a nice addition to salad dressings and even stir fry dishes, especially when combined with lemon, cilantro, and tahini.

  • Sally Ann Creed Gelatine Granules – 250g


    Gelatine Granules

    For broths, jellies and all round good health. Sally-Ann Creed’s gelatin is bovine in origin and of a superior quality.

    Gelatine is a cooked form of collagen; a protein that your body needs for healthy tissues. Sally Ann Creed Gelatine Granules are a source of pure protein, with no additives. As a supplement, gelatine helps your body to form collagen, repairing damaged cartilage, building muscle and beautifying your skin. Use it to make a nourishing bone broth, or add it to your morning smoothies.

    • Natural gelatine granules
    • Bovine-derived
    • No fillers, colours, flavours or sweeteners
    • 1Tbsp dried powdered gelatine has 23 calories & 6g protein

    Benefits of gelatine as a supplement:

    • Source of pure protein
    • Boosts collagen levels; reduces inflammation & repairs torn cartilage
    • Repairs connective tissue
    • Anti-inflammatory properties; high in amino acids
    • Improves skin texture; reduces wrinkles & cellulite
    • Helps to heal leaky gut symptoms
    • Prevents constipation
    • Restores the healthy mucosal lining of the stomach
    • Helps with heartburn & reflux
    • Helps to improve sleep
    • High in glycine; supports brain health & memory
    • Helps to build muscle
    • A great bulking aid for athletes

    Suggested use: This tasteless supplement can be added to smoothies, soups or bone broth. Follow the dosage instructions provided, or follow the directions of your healthcare practitioner.